With New Year’s resolutions looming, what is the difference between success and failure? Some may consider what I am about to say as harsh or insensitive. The hard truth is that you can get results, or you can fail. There is no middle ground when it comes to FULLY reaching your goals.
- Wishing for results won’t achieve it.
- Wanting results won’t accomplish it.
- Hoping for results won’t cut it.
- Resolving to get results won’t get it done.
So, what are the KEYS to success?
- Clear achievable and specific Goals.
- Then create a game Plan to achieve them. Fail to plan, then plan to fail.
- A Commitment to the plan.
- The Discipline to do what it takes.
- Consistency no matter what. Make it up if you slip or miss.
- An intense Desire to do whatever it takes. No excuses.
- A NEVER give up attitude.
Ask Navy Seals, Marines, Army Rangers and Green Berets what it takes to succeed. They understand it. They do it. Failure in NOT an option! Ask Olympic champions. Ask the best professional athletes. Ask the top business leaders. Ask the top performers in any profession. They practice these principles.
How committed are you? Ask yourself:
- What could you do if your life depended on it?
- What could you do if failure meant losing your family?
- Would you do whatever it takes?
- Then why don’t you just do what it takes?
- How bad do you want it?
The reason people fail has NOTHING to do with whether they CAN do it or not. It has to do with the battle of THE WILL. And the WILLingness to defeat any obstacle.
Good luck with your New Year’s Resolutions! (although luck has nothing to do with it). I wish you all the success in the world! Happy New Year!!!